Bright Lights in Small Cities

     Finding inspiration in areas that aren't typically lauded by many as places for creativity has always been fun to me. People see places like London, New York, and other large cities as the sole hubs for the creation of something unique. While I can't deny the draw these historical cities have, I want to find more inspiration in locations that people don't find as massive as these supercities. Take these quick shots from Des Moines. I took these in 2018 and I have held onto them ever since because they showed me something I found exciting. In shot one, a bridge illuminates strong and red against the water and night sky surrounding it. This shot is one of my favorites because the framing can fool the viewer into believing that this bridge covers a river that lets out into the ocean, rather than into a landlocked city. In the second shot, an outdoor amphitheater focuses your attention onto the Hall of Laureates, making for a pleasant viewing experience during a late summer performance. Shots like these help remind me that design, innovation, and progress happen all around us, and we need not always look to far away places to find our own motivations and joys. 


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